
Avg weather in June
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    Caribbean weather June

    What's the weather like in the Caribbean in June?

    The islands of the Caribbean are hot and sunny for most of the year. The northern regions including the Bahamas and Cuba have a subtropical climate with high peak temperatures and cooler weather after dark. Further south in Barbados and St Vincent, the tropical climate brings more consistent temperatures through the day. No matter where you visit in June, the Caribbean is warm, sunny and bright, although sometimes wet with the occasional rain shower.


    In June, temperatures in the northern Caribbean islands are very warm, with the Bahamas having a daily average of 27oC, rising to 31oC and falling to 23oC at night. Temperatures in the south are similar, with a daily average temperature of 27oC in Barbados, peaking at 29oC and falling to 25oC in the evenings. The summer does bring more rain, falling on 17 days in the Bahamas and 14 days in Barbados, but showers are short-lived. No matter which island you choose, the Caribbean waters are a balmy 28°C at this time of year.

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